tags:If I had a Twitter... oh the tweets I would twerk.
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If I had a Twitter... oh the tweets I would twerk.
read meComparing Google and alternate search engines isn't fair. Google doesn't have "better" results, they have different results, compiled using different methods, for different purposes. Backing…
read meStudent Loan debt is 1.75 trillion dollars as of 2022. $1,750,000,000,000.00. So many 0s, wow! This number is way too large to simply forgive, right? No, not even close. The number is paltry. It could be forgiven without blinking. The questions is, should we?
read meIt has been 20 years since the release of the animated cult classic, Never Forget. To celebrate this milestone anniversary I have painstakingly reproduced this…
read meMy sister loved The Last Unicorn. I watched this movie more times than I ever wanted to watch it. I think this movie could be…
read meA semi-technical explanation of common terms used in technology security and cryptography. Without understanding the basic terms it is impossible to intelligently discuss the impications of rules and laws regarding these subjects.
read meBring your own dirt garden. An online company that sells kits, an "everything you need but dirt" garden. Encourage home gardening, fresh eating, saving money,…
read meWhich is greater: box or boxes, apple or apples, house or houses? Which is greater, space or spaces? "We need a bigger house, we need…
read meDo Polarity Politics + Charity Our differences can make a difference. Polarity is the manifestation of two opposing principles, that is the definition. The…
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