


Apples to Oranges to Tomatoes

Comparing Google and alternate search engines isn't fair. Google doesn't have "better" results, they have different results, compiled using different methods, for different purposes.

Backing up, is Google even a search engine anymore? You can't compare apples to oranges if the apple isn't an apple at all but instead a tomato.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

-Miles Kington

Is Google a search engine? Below I searched for "nikon d5". I didn't say if I wanted to search for the specifications, warranty, instruction manual, user guides, forums, images of the camera, or photos taken by the camera. Google gave me results for shopping. Google is pushing commerce, they get paid to push these results.

Google Search Results for Nikon D5

DuckDuckGo is a privacy focused search engine. The Internet is full of opinions comparing the two. I think it is imperative to define how the comparison is made before any comparison is done.

Removing "tech" so we can get a clear picture, we will pretend Google and DuckDuckGo are friends of ours. We ask them questions, they give us answers. DuckDuckGo gives generic answers, we feel like they aren't really listening to us. Maybe they aren't a very good friend. Google gives great answers, insightful and personal. Google must be a great friend.

When we invite Google over to our house to talk, Google does a little more than talk. When Google goes to the bathroom it looks through our medicine cabinet, taking notes. When you go to the bathroom, Google sneaks into your bedroom and looks through your underwear drawer and reads your diary. When you go to the kitchen to refill Google's drink, Google installs spy cams and microphones in your house. When Google leaves your house it rumages through your garbage. Google goes home and and writes down everything you told it, and everything it found out about you by snooping, into a huge scrapbook. Google starts to spy on your friends, your coworkers, your family. Google puts a tracker on your car, it covertly follows you around throughout the day. Everything it learns it adds to the scrapbook.

When you ask Google a question they give you a pretty good answer. It is like Google can look into your soul. They almost can, and they would happily sell access to your soul to their "trusted partners and advertisers". They already sell access to your scrapbook.

DuckDuckGo gives you the best answer it can based only on the question you ask it. 

Is Google a better friend than DuckDuckGo? Is Google a better search engine than DuckDuckgo?

Is Google a friend at all? Is Google even a search engine anymore? It has taken everything it learned about you and pushes stuff at you. They don't push search results. They push ads, SEO optimized link aggregators (top 10 best...), promoted content, their own products, and they might sprinkle in some actual search results too.

The End.


Look again at Google's results- most of the page is ads or promoted content. Below is DDG, not perfect but it is "search results", not promoted and pushed content. I asked DDG a generic question, DDG gave me a generic answer. It showed Wikipedia and info about the camera, the first link is for Nikon's D5 page, it has a single shopping link ,and some images of the camera. Diverse results for a generic query. That to me is a search engine.

DuckDuckGo Nikon d5 results