

Most Impactful Federal Law Changes

Laws that will have the most impact are not direct laws, but indirect. They are laws that govern how the government functions. These are my top choices for the most impactful laws I wish to see take effect.

Term Limits: Senators may not serve more than 2 consectutive terms (12 years). Congressmen may not serve more than 4 consecutive terms (8 years). Supreme Court Justices must be reappointed after 16 years.

Pay: Congress shall make 5x the median US income, senators 8x, and the President 13x. In 2023 this would equate to roughly, 250,000, 400,000 and 650,000 respectively. Full medical and Social Security to paid while serving. No lifetime monetary benefits. 

Blind Trusts: All member of congress, the senate and the President must put their funds into a blind trust. The blind trust will offer a guaranteed 8% or follow an index fund.

Homage: homage in all forms will be eradicated. Elected officials will be referred to as Mr. or Mrs. [NAME]. Not "Your Honor", not "The Honorable Senator from...", simply their name. They serve the public. We are not vassals, they are not lords. Nothing paid for with federal money will be named after a federal official, period. All titles end when the job ends. 

Present: no member of Congress may vote Present. If there is a conflict of interest the member should not be present. If they are present, their job is to vote.

Expenses: All members shall be issued a credit card with a ~$50,000 limit. Purchases will be publicly available in real time. There is (almost) zero excuse for accepting gifts or pay from outside parties.

Staff: currenetly members of the House can hire 18 full time staff using a budget of about 1 million each . Senators can hire a staff using an average of 3.3 million dollars each. This adds up to approximately 550 million dollars every year in salary alone. Elected official earn about 60 million combined. Meaning for every dollar we spend on elcted staff we spend 9 times that amount on people to help them do their jobs. New proposal: each member can hire 1 emplyee at 80% their pay and 1 emplyee at 60% their pay.